Finishing Term 1 and key things for Term 2

Dear Parents/Caregivers and Students,
Teenaa koutou,

I hope that everyone had a great Easter break and took some time to enjoy what feels like the last of the golden weather. There are a few important items to bring your attention to in the last weeks of this term and in looking ahead to the start of Term 2.

- Crazy hair day – last day of term
- School production – For Today
- Cell phone procedure
- Uniform policy update
- SchoolTV and extra resources
- Ka pai @ Cam High

For future reference, we aim to store important information on our website for ease of access again later.
- If you have any advice for us about the website, or continuing to improve CHS, please share it with us here.
- All school policies are stored here on the website.
All communications and coming events are here.
And all assessment calendars and details are here.

Have a great weekend.

Ngaa mihi

Greg Thornton


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