Communications and Coming Events

This page is to help you stay informed about what is happening at Cambridge High School. 

There is always a lot happening at CHS and we know that it is just as busy at home. So that you don't miss important details we have put our communication on one page, including:

  • emailed communications
  • our Coming Events publications and
  • the CHS calendar.

Bookmark the page to make it easy to check back in with us.

The following emails have been sent home from the school recently. 

The Final Stretch

Dear Parents / Caregivers, Teenaa koutou ki te whaanau o taatou kura, It has been a great week around campus this week. Our cherry blossoms are in full bloom, the house haka event was incredible,Read more

Welcome to Term 3 - Part II

Afternoon everyone,  As so often can happen Part II follows hot on the heels of Part I with a few more things to promote today.  Ngaa mihi  Greg Thornton PrincipalRead more

Welcome to Term 3

I hope you all managed to catch your breath and take a break because there is a lot going on in Term 3 at CHS. We have assessments, winter tournament week, assessment week and student lead eventsRead more

Welcome to the penultimate week of Term 2 - and its a big one

Good afternoon everyone,  Welcome to the penultimate week of term. The students from the Belonging and Connections committee have a great week planned, full of events chosen to provide students withRead more

Finishing Term 1 and key things for Term 2

Dear Parents/Caregivers and Students, Teenaa koutou, I hope that everyone had a great Easter break and took some time to enjoy what feels like the last of the golden weather. There are a fewRead more

Home Stretch for Term 1

Kia ora koutou, Good morning everyone, In today’s communication: · Parent evenings and a welcome to visit S Block · Summer tournament week · Sports and Arts success · Uniform and cell phoneRead more

Underway with the first 5-day week

Kia ora e te whaanau, Dear Parents/Caregivers and Students, There is a lot happening on campus and it is great to see the energy our staff and students are bringing to make so many opportunitiesRead more

Welcome to CHS

Kia ora e te whaanau, Dear Parents / Caregivers, Welcome back everyone and an especially warm welcome to the new members of our Cambridge High School community. We held a wonderful poowhiri todayRead more

Winding Up 2023

Teenaa koutou, Dear Parents/Caregivers, and Students It is the first of de ember, the sun is shining, and we have finished the last of the NCEA exams this week – summer is definitely on itsRead more

Senior Prizegiving 2023 - recording now available

Kia ora e te whaanau, Dear Parents / Caregivers, Congratulations to all of our prize winners, performers and student leaders. Our senior prizegiving was a wonderful night of celebration and a greatRead more

Prizegiving season and other news

Kia ora e te whaanau, Good afternoon Parents/Caregivers, I am writing to you from the middle of our prizegiving season, with our Maaori celebration, Sports Awards and Arts Awards evenings thisRead more

Wrapping up Term 3

Kia ora koutou, We have arrived at the end of Term 3. Spring is in the air, senior students are back on site and Spirit week is going really well. I hope that our senior students have receivedRead more

Coming Events

For access to earlier versions please contact us via email.

Advice welcome

Do you have advice that could help CHS do an even better job for the youth of Cambridge?

Get in touch with us here. 

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Kia ora and thanks for getting in touch. We will get in touch with you within one working day.


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