Welcome to Cambridge High School

Welcome to CHS

Haaro ki runga ki te tihi tapu nui o Maungatautari
Taaheke iho ki te au o te awa o Waikato e piko nei ki Te Uru
Kahukura ki runga, Kahukura ki raro, Kahukura tiketike
Tahuti mai ki te kura tuarua oTe Oko Horoi.
Teenaa koutou, teenaa koutou, teenaa koutou katoa.

This welcome in speaks of standing atop Maungatautari and looking out to the Waikato River as it snakes to the sea. It proudly locates us in the Waikato and welcomes you to our community, Te Oko Horoi (Cambridge).

Established in 1883, Cambridge High School (CHS) has a proud tradition of meeting the educational needs of our local community. Our roll of 1800 enables us to offer our diverse school population a wide range of academic, cultural, and sporting opportunities. The school successfully combines modern facilities, a progressive education programme and high expectations of student achievement. Our aim at CHS is to provide students with opportunities to reach their potential through an inspiring holistic education. In addition to academic achievement and qualifications, we highly value the development of the individual in a safe and positive learning environment. Our school motto “Fortiter et Recte” reminds us to have the ‘courage to do what is right’ and this is based in our REACH values.

We are proud to be an integral part of the Cambridge community school and value the support we receive in providing an excellent well-rounded education. Our positive results in so many areas of school life reflect the combined effort of the students, staff, parents, and the school Board. Students graduate Cambridge High School well-prepared for life beyond school with choices, confidence, and a sense of purpose.

Ngaa mihi nui

Greg Thornton

And we are underway

Kia ora e te whaanau,  Good morning Parents / Caregivers, and Students  It is great to be underway for the year with some really successful schoolwide events such as last week's Athletics and HouseRead more

Welcome back everyone!

Kia ora koutou,  It has been great seeing the campus fill with students this week. They seem to have had a great break, returning refreshed and ready to get 2025 underway. I am also quietlyRead more

Final 2 Weeks at CHS

Kia ora e te whaanau o te kura tuarua o Te Oko Horoi, Dear parents / caregivers of Cambridge High School, As we near the end of the week, term and year I wanted to get in touch to say thank youRead more

Bell Times Trial

Dear Parents / Caregivers,  Teenaa koutou ki te whaanau o taatou kura, Our junior students are certainly enjoying the additional space that they have at this time of year. It is an opportunity forRead more

Paid Union Meeting & Exams

Dear Parents / Caregivers,  Teenaa koutou ki te whaanau o taatou kura,   A couple of things to share with you this afternoon about upcoming events that impact the school’s operations.   15/11Read more

The Final Stretch

Dear Parents / Caregivers, Teenaa koutou ki te whaanau o taatou kura, It has been a great week around campus this week. Our cherry blossoms are in full bloom, the house haka event was incredible,Read more

Welcome to Term 3 - Part II

Afternoon everyone,  As so often can happen Part II follows hot on the heels of Part I with a few more things to promote today.  Ngaa mihi  Greg Thornton PrincipalRead more

Welcome to Term 3

I hope you all managed to catch your breath and take a break because there is a lot going on in Term 3 at CHS. We have assessments, winter tournament week, assessment week and student lead eventsRead more

Welcome to the penultimate week of Term 2 - and its a big one

Good afternoon everyone,  Welcome to the penultimate week of term. The students from the Belonging and Connections committee have a great week planned, full of events chosen to provide students withRead more

Finishing Term 1 and key things for Term 2

Dear Parents/Caregivers and Students, Teenaa koutou, I hope that everyone had a great Easter break and took some time to enjoy what feels like the last of the golden weather. There are a fewRead more

Home Stretch for Term 1

Kia ora koutou, Good morning everyone, In today’s communication: · Parent evenings and a welcome to visit S Block · Summer tournament week · Sports and Arts success · Uniform and cell phoneRead more

Underway with the first 5-day week

Kia ora e te whaanau, Dear Parents/Caregivers and Students, There is a lot happening on campus and it is great to see the energy our staff and students are bringing to make so many opportunitiesRead more

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