Water Polo

Water Polo is a fun, competitive team sport played in deep water between two teams of seven players each. The game consists of four quarters in which the two teams attempt to score goals by throwing the ball into the opposing team's goal.
Games are held at either Te Rapa, Waterworld on a Monday or Wednesday night.
There are several tournaments that teams might be able to attend at both junior and senior level. CHS often has successful representative players who go on to play for Waikato and attend age group championships throughout the year.
Contact: Please contact the Sports Department to register interest in Term 1 for Water Polo or reach out to our Person in Charge, Mr Jonnie Peter - pt@camhigh.school.nz
Fees: Approximately $120 per term.
Practices: To be confirmed by coaching team in 2025. We aim to have after school sessions in our pool but may also run a morning training.
Uniform: CHS Togs are compulsory for competition and can be purchased from the school at a cost of approximately $95 for girls and $45 for boys
The Senior competition is run in Term 1 (Juniors can play in this competition but would need experience) and the Junior competition is in Term 4. Registration for Term 4 will take place later in the year.