Te Reo Maaori
Te Reo Maaori is the indigenous language of Aotearoa, New Zealand. Preserved within the Maaori language is the richness of its culture, history and identity which forms our unique heritage. Students that undertake Te Reo Maaori will become immersed in the language and culture. Students will be given the opportunity to participate in Waiata (song), Ngaa Mahi a Reehia (games and pastimes), Karanga (calling) and Whaikoorero (oratory).
Students in Year 10 and senior Te Reo Maaori classes that demonstrate leadership qualities, will be considered for our junior (Te Ohu Kaiaarahi o te Kapua Iti) and senior leadership (Te Hunga Taikaakaa) groups within Cambridge High School. Both groups are heavily involved in the revitalization and implementation of the Maaori culture within the school and wider Cambridge community.
‘Maungatautari ki te tuu, Waikato ki te rere, kia uu, kia mau, kia whita’
(Stand tall like our mountain, be persistent like our river)