Student Leadership at CHS
We believe that the ongoing success of CHS is a collaborative effort and strongly encourage our students to contribute to the leadership of the school.
On this page we profile our prominent Student Leaders with our Student Executive, House Captains, Te Huunga Taikaakaa and Junior Forum.
Refer to the following attachment for full details about the Student Leadership roles and structure at CHS.

Head Girl - Millie Balsom

Head Boy - Malakai Eade

Deputy Head Girl - Danielle D'Ath

Deputy Head Boy - Ethan Bailey

BOT Student Representative
Cameron Hill

Te Hunga Taikaakaa
Te Hunga Taikaakaa is our Maaori Leadership roopuu consisting of Year 12 and 13 tauira who are keen to promote Te Ao Maaori and to support and encourage our Maaori students. Tauira in this roopuu help to organise and run a number of significant events throughout the year including our Whaanau Welcome Evening, the Combined Cambridge Schools Kapa Haka Festival, Te Wiki o Te Ao Maaori and our Ngaa Poutiaki Celebration evening. Tauira also liaise with other leadership groups and Ngaa Poutiaki (Whaanau Support group) and readily lead by example and promote the core values of our kura.
Junior Executive
The Junior Executive is the Junior Leadership group for CHS. Students in this group organise a number of events throughout the year for the Junior School and also get involved in our wider community. Each week the students meet with members from the 24/7 Youth Work Team to discuss initiatives such as PB4L school wide focusses and lunchtime activities and how to best lead by example. Members of the Junior Forum also help with school event such as the School Ball and aim to encourage students to be active and participate.