Junior English

The Junior English course is designed to be a fun and engaging stepping-stone to future English courses.

Students learn critical English skills through analysing written and visual texts and display the depth of their skills through hands on assessments. Texts and English concepts will be explored each term by a Whaainga (topic or focus) and end with a creation based Hinonga (project).
Students will explore the ideas in texts to develop their thinking and problem-solving skills, and in turn, making themselves better English learners. They will strengthen their analytical skills, reading, writing, and oral literacy skills, as these are woven into the units taught throughout the year.

As students begin to connect aspects of studied texts to themselves, our society, and the wider world, they set themselves up for success in future English courses.
The Junior course puts teaching and learning in the forefront and shows students the real-life importance of all strands of the English curriculum. Our teachers are dedicated to exposing our Juniors to an exciting taster of the English subject and the valuable opportunities it can bring.


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