Dungeons & Dragons
What is Dungeons & Dragons I hear you ask? Why, it is a Table Top Roleplaying Game where people who like to adventure and go on quests, come together and are taken through a live Story Telling situation where their choices and actions directly affect the storyline. With help from a handful of dice, a few core rules, and your trusty Game Master of course.
Here at CHS the D&D&D Club aim to forge friendships with likeminded students to be involved in the game. Furthermore, if you are tired of glitchy gaming or if you are bored of the storylines you play on a digital platform, then D&D may be just the club for you.
In the D&D&D Club you will not only be able to play Dungeons & Dragons, but you will also have the opportunity to join in with club events. Such as:
The Prop Creation competition
The Club’s Communal Bounty Board
Pizza for Perky Adventurers
The Annual Feast (Term 3)
D&D Showcase Games
Thieves Cant Hide and Seek
And many more!
If you’re interested in being involved, we are currently searching for Committee members to help run club events.
We’re looking forward to seeing you at the D&D&D Club!
(More information to come on when this will be running in Term1 2025)
Contact: Mrs Lee Wilkinson