CHS REACH Certificate Reward Scheme
At CHS we operate a programme that acknowledges students for the significant or sustained way in which they follow our REACH values. This system is accumulative throughout their time at school. The general aim is to recognize continuous or exceptionally high standards of behaviour, effort, academic, sporting, artistic or cultural performance. Each faculty has established their own specific guidelines to ensure consistency across their classes and to give ownership however all are quite similar. Heads of faculty can supply these on request.
REACH Certificate Reward Scheme Structure:
• Cambridge Office Products Deans award (5 Merit certificates) = Letter home, certificate.
• New World Cambridge Bronze award (3 Deans awards) = Letter home, certificate, chocolate bar.
• Cambridge Subway Silver award (Bronze award + 3 Deans awards) = Letter home, certificate, sub-of-the-day voucher.
• LIONS’ & Cambridge Pizza Hut Gold award (Silver award + 3 Deans awards) = Letter home, certificate, $10 Pizza Hut voucher.
• Platinum Award (Gold award + 3 Deans awards) = Letter home, certificate, badge and morning tea with principal.