Welcome to the CHS Foyer

Welcome to the CHS Foyer. 

We’re launching Cambridge High School’s first-ever student newspaper as part of the revamped website.

By students, for students, the “newspaper” will cover school goings-on and issues relevant to teenagers, as well as providing a platform for student fiction, art and comics.

Over the coming weeks, expect stories on everything from NCEA, to the S Block renovations, to an essay on the intricacies of Mr Ludlam’s incomprehensible diagrams. 

We're looking for budding reporters, film/book/TV/music/meme/obscure cat-lovers-podcasts reviewers, artists and writers. 

If you’re interested in writing for the Foyer, or have a story to share, get in touch at Matteodimaio@camhigh.school.nz. 


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