The Final Stretch

Dear Parents / Caregivers,
Teenaa koutou ki te whaanau o taatou kura,

It has been a great week around campus this week. Our cherry blossoms are in full bloom, the house haka event was incredible, showcasing the growth in haka across CHS, and our senior students have put on a fantastic Spirit Week with something fun for students of all ages. Our senior students have been finishing off their practical work and receiving their Derived Grade results, with plenty of advice from staff about where to improve before the final NCEA exams next term. In this communication home I want to bring a few significant events to your attention:

  • Sports and Arts badges and ties.

  • Student leadership opportunities and voting.

  • Exam feedback, including co-requisites for Year 11.

  • Senior Prizegiving and final assemblies.

  • Summer uniform.

Ngaa mihi
Greg Thornton


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