Progress Reports
Kia ora e te whaanau o te kura tuarua o Te Oko Horoi, Dear parents / caregivers of Cambridge High School,As we near the end of a long term, I trust you will have received notification of a student Progress Report being available through the Kamar Parent Portal. Progress Reports are new this year. We believe they will be a valuable tool in helping us communicate with students and whaanau as we work together to progress learning and meet the goals and aspirations of all.Pleas...
March 28, 2025And we are underway
Kia ora e te whaanau, Good morning Parents / Caregivers, and Students It is great to be underway for the year with some really successful schoolwide events such as last week's Athletics and House Day. It was a fantastic day of competition, participation and some great results. The day culminated in the staff and students combined 4 x 100m relay. It was a photo finish with Parawhau dipping on the line to pip Te Koo Utu for the honours. In today's communication I want to draw your a...
March 4, 2025Welcome back everyone!
Kia ora koutou, It has been great seeing the campus fill with students this week. They seem to have had a great break, returning refreshed and ready to get 2025 underway. I am also quietly confident that you are relieved to pass them back to us again.The start of year has been successful, with the poowhiri, classes underway our cultural days and preparation for the first house competition of swimming sports next week. Please note that we are open for instruction on 7 February. Kin...
February 7, 2025Final 2 Weeks at CHS
Kia ora e te whaanau o te kura tuarua o Te Oko Horoi, Dear parents / caregivers of Cambridge High School, As we near the end of the week, term and year I wanted to get in touch to say thank you for your support across the year. I am very grateful for the contribution of our community to the outstanding holistic learning experience for the youth of Cambridge. Thank you for the many ways you add to our learning journey through being chauffeurs, coaches, managers and number one support persons. I a...
December 6, 2024Bell Times Trial
Dear Parents / Caregivers, Teenaa koutou ki te whaanau o taatou kura,Our junior students are certainly enjoying the additional space that they have at this time of year. It is an opportunity for them to spend more time on the field, playing games and enjoying the warmer weather.For us, this time of year also presents an opportunity to review some of our processes, and to trial options we may want to consider when looking to improve the learning environment at CHS.One such trial is an adjust...
November 15, 2024Paid Union Meeting & Exams
Dear Parents / Caregivers, Teenaa koutou ki te whaanau o taatou kura, A couple of things to share with you this afternoon about upcoming events that impact the school’s operations. 15/11 Teacher Only Day – provided for by the Ministry of Education to focus on NCEA implementation. 22/11 Paid Union Meeting, school will close at 12:30 pm. This is the end of period 3. We will supervise any students who need to remain onsite. I ask that they sign in at the student ...
November 8, 2024The Final Stretch
Dear Parents / Caregivers,Teenaa koutou ki te whaanau o taatou kura,It has been a great week around campus this week. Our cherry blossoms are in full bloom, the house haka event was incredible, showcasing the growth in haka across CHS, and our senior students have put on a fantastic Spirit Week with something fun for students of all ages. Our senior students have been finishing off their practical work and receiving their Derived Grade results, with plenty of advice from staff about where to imp...
September 27, 2024Welcome to Term 3 - Part II
Afternoon everyone, As so often can happen Part II follows hot on the heels of Part I with a few more things to promote today. Ngaa mihi Greg ThorntonPrincipal...
July 24, 2024Welcome to Term 3
I hope you all managed to catch your breath and take a break because there is a lot going on in Term 3 at CHS. We have assessments, winter tournament week, assessment week and student lead events like our Spirit week, haka competition and Arts week. All of this with only 12 and a half school weeks before our senior students leave for their NZQA exams.And we are getting straight back into it with the following major events on over the next two weeks.- Cross country- Teacher Only Day 29 July- Open...
July 23, 2024Welcome to the penultimate week of Term 2 - and its a big one
Good afternoon everyone, Welcome to the penultimate week of term. The students from the Belonging and Connections committee have a great week planned, full of events chosen to provide students with opportunities to connect across year levels and in their houses.In this letter home we have information about the week, reminders around planning for assessments and a request for your help with managing the carparking of students who drive to school. Ngaa mihiGreg ThorntonPrincipal...
June 25, 2024Finishing Term 1 and key things for Term 2
Dear Parents/Caregivers and Students,Teenaa koutou,I hope that everyone had a great Easter break and took some time to enjoy what feels like the last of the golden weather. There are a few important items to bring your attention to in the last weeks of this term and in looking ahead to the start of Term 2.- Crazy hair day – last day of term- School production – For Today- Cell phone procedure- Uniform policy update- SchoolTV and extra resources- Ka pai @ Cam HighFor future reference, we aim ...
April 5, 2024Home Stretch for Term 1
Kia ora koutou, Good morning everyone, In today’s communication:· Parent evenings and a welcome to visit S Block· Summer tournament week· Sports and Arts success· Uniform and cell phone reminder· How to Realise Your Potential and the importance of attendance and upcoming assessmentsJust a reminder that all of our communications and coming events are stored on the school website Have a great weekend everyone. Ngaa m...
March 22, 2024Underway with the first 5-day week
Kia ora e te whaanau,Dear Parents/Caregivers and Students,There is a lot happening on campus and it is great to see the energy our staff and students are bringing to make so many opportunities open to the students at CHS. Today, I want to share with you some of the major upcoming events (attached) so that you can put them into the family calendar.Taima Koorero – Time to talkNCEA overview evening (targeting Y10 and 11)Athletics and House DaySchoolTVNgaa mihi Greg ThorntonPrincipalCambridge...
February 21, 2024Welcome to CHS
Kia ora e te whaanau, Dear Parents / Caregivers, Welcome back everyone and an especially warm welcome to the new members of our Cambridge High School community. We held a wonderful poowhiri today for all new staff and students to CHS. A particular highlight for me was our staff and senior student leaders joining together to perform the haka poowhiri for our incoming whaanau. We then followed this up with connecting the new students with the key people for them this year (their student leaders an...
February 1, 2024Winding Up 2023
Teenaa koutou,Dear Parents/Caregivers, and StudentsIt is the first of de ember, the sun is shining, and we have finished the last of the NCEA exams this week – summer is definitely on its way! Before then, however, we have some great things to cover with our students: 4-5 DecemberThese are normal school days, with ongoing learning in classes. Our Junior Executive have done a great job this week of running activities for students. This week, Monday is a scavenger hun...
December 1, 2023Senior Prizegiving 2023 - recording now available
Kia ora e te whaanau,Dear Parents / Caregivers,Congratulations to all of our prize winners, performers and student leaders. Our senior prizegiving was a wonderful night of celebration and a great showcase of the talented students we have at Cambridge High School.For those of you that couldn’t make it or have friends and family who would like to see the moment your child shines, have edited the footage and stored the video on our YouTube channel. Here is the link.I want to thank the following p...
November 8, 2023Prizegiving season and other news
Kia ora e te whaanau, Good afternoon Parents/Caregivers, I am writing to you from the middle of our prizegiving season, with our Maaori celebration, Sports Awards and Arts Awards evenings this week. Next week we will have the final assembly (during period 2), senior prizegiving on Tuesday and Year 13 graduation ceremony on Wednesday. It really is a wonderful time of the year when we can acknowledge the incredible success of our students and the hard work of CHS staff and our community in providi...
October 27, 2023Wrapping up Term 3
Kia ora koutou,We have arrived at the end of Term 3. Spring is in the air, senior students are back on site and Spirit week is going really well. I hope that our senior students have received valuable feedback after their exams and are well-positioned to finish their portfolio and practical work. They now have a good opportunity to work on that feedback and prepare for a strong finish to the year in Term 4. I hope that you can also manage some downtime as a family over the next couple of weeks a...
September 22, 2023Tournament week success, prizegivings and assessment week
Teenaa koutou e te whaanau, Dear Parents / Caregivers,What a great week we had last week with the winter tournament week. Students representing CHS and our community incredibly well across the country, both on and off the field. I was fortunate to be able to join the girls hockey team, boys 1st XI football (both in Auckland) and the boys hockey team in Wellington. We can be incredibly proud of our students’ achievements and their behaviour across the week. I also want to take this opportunity ...
September 8, 2023Term 3 - Mid-way Point
We are now halfway through Term 3 with only a short period of time before we host the end of year celebrations and senior students leave for their NCEA external examinations. There is a lot happening around here that I wanted to update you on in this communication.Term 3 outlineStudy resourcesProperty updateUniform successAlumni international cycling successRegardsGreg Thornton...
August 24, 2023Welcome Back to Term 3
Nau mai, hoki mai. Welcome back everyone. I hope that you enjoyed a good break and managed some time out.A few things to bring to your attention today, as we look forward to the busy term ahead.Major events for Term 3Uniform updateIndustrial action updateNgaa mihiGreg ThorntonPrincipal...
July 18, 2023Uniform expectations update and survey reminder
Teenaa koutou, Dear Parents / Caregivers,Uniform reminder and feedback opportunity for CHS uniform reviewWe have been warning students this term about wearing their uniform correctly and it is looking really good out there. For the warning we have been confiscating items or putting students into loan items. Next term, we will confiscate the items and issue detentions to students who continue to wear incorrect uniform items, as it becomes an issue of disobedience. Please see the attached flowchar...
June 28, 2023Paid Union Meeting details for Wednesday
Good morning everyone, Morena ki a koutou, This is just a reminder that Cambridge High School will close early on Wednesday to provide staff with sufficient time to attend a Paid Union Meeting. This meeting is a legal provision and an important meeting to hold in the current phase of negotiations. So that you are aware, we have amended our bell times slightly here, compressing lessons and break times to get as many classes as possible completed before school closes. The following is the outline ...
June 26, 2023All industrial action cancelled
Good evening parents/ caregivers I have received confirmation that the PPTA have withdrawn the planned industrial action.This means all students are expected in school tomorrow Thursday 22nd of June and for the remainder of the term. It is a very positive move and I wish both parties all the best in reaching an agreement with the assistance of arbitration.I look forward to seeing a full school again in the morning.Kind regardsGreg Thornton ...
June 22, 2023End of Term 2 Update
Teenaa koutou, Good afternoon Parents / Caregivers,I wanted to outline what the remainder of the term looks like as there are a few events which will cause disruption, on top of the current rostering home. As background to this, we have gone through our calendar of events and pulled back on all non-essential trips. It is very important for us to take the steps we can to maximise the class time for students when they are onsite.However, we need to proceed with key events and the following provide...
June 14, 2023 Posts 1-25 of 69 | Page next