Welcome to Cambridge High School

Welcome to CHS

E ngaa mana, e ngaa reo, e ngaa iwi puta noa i te ao. Nau mai, haere mai ki te kura tuarua o Te Okohoroi.

Established in 1883 Cambridge High School (CHS) has a proud tradition of meeting the educational needs of our local community. With a roll of approximately 1800 students we are able to offer our diverse school population a wide range of academic, cultural and sporting opportunities. The school combines modern facilities and a progressive education programme with traditional core values and high expectations of student achievement.

Ngaa mihi nui

Greg Thornton

Welcome to the penultimate week of Term 2 - and its a big one

Good afternoon everyone,  Welcome to the penultimate week of term. The students from the Belonging and Connections committee have a great week planned, full of events chosen to provide students withRead more

Finishing Term 1 and key things for Term 2

Dear Parents/Caregivers and Students, Teenaa koutou, I hope that everyone had a great Easter break and took some time to enjoy what feels like the last of the golden weather. There are a fewRead more

Home Stretch for Term 1

Kia ora koutou, Good morning everyone, In today’s communication: · Parent evenings and a welcome to visit S Block · Summer tournament week · Sports and Arts success · Uniform and cell phoneRead more

Underway with the first 5-day week

Kia ora e te whaanau, Dear Parents/Caregivers and Students, There is a lot happening on campus and it is great to see the energy our staff and students are bringing to make so many opportunitiesRead more

Welcome to CHS

Kia ora e te whaanau, Dear Parents / Caregivers, Welcome back everyone and an especially warm welcome to the new members of our Cambridge High School community. We held a wonderful poowhiri todayRead more

Winding Up 2023

Teenaa koutou, Dear Parents/Caregivers, and Students It is the first of de ember, the sun is shining, and we have finished the last of the NCEA exams this week – summer is definitely on itsRead more

Senior Prizegiving 2023 - recording now available

Kia ora e te whaanau, Dear Parents / Caregivers, Congratulations to all of our prize winners, performers and student leaders. Our senior prizegiving was a wonderful night of celebration and a greatRead more

Prizegiving season and other news

Kia ora e te whaanau, Good afternoon Parents/Caregivers, I am writing to you from the middle of our prizegiving season, with our Maaori celebration, Sports Awards and Arts Awards evenings thisRead more

Wrapping up Term 3

Kia ora koutou, We have arrived at the end of Term 3. Spring is in the air, senior students are back on site and Spirit week is going really well. I hope that our senior students have receivedRead more

Tournament week success, prizegivings and assessment week

Teenaa koutou e te whaanau, Dear Parents / Caregivers, What a great week we had last week with the winter tournament week. Students representing CHS and our community incredibly well across the counRead more

Term 3 - Mid-way Point

We are now halfway through Term 3 with only a short period of time before we host the end of year celebrations and senior students leave for their NCEA external examinations. There is a lot happeningRead more

Welcome Back to Term 3

Nau mai, hoki mai. Welcome back everyone. I hope that you enjoyed a good break and managed some time out. A few things to bring to your attention today, as we look forward to the busy term ahead.Read more

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